I know I am not the one getting married but heh I really cannot hide my excitement upon hearing the great news that my beloved senior is getting married, finally. Finally as she is one so deserving of true love, her very own family and little ones but had been unlucky in meeting some real trashy guys until HE came by that is......the rest is fairy tale......with some sections of trembling arm exercises......hehehe......She must be at the roof seeing this blog but knowing me, she should have known better that I can't keep my blogging fingers still. Just take it as my congratulatory message and wishing you and HIM well. Better start revamping that dusty draft of wedding emcee speech. And yes by the way big mama, if you are ever reading this, I WON the bet but LOST the chance at directorship of wellness.
Love Actually
Over lunch with a student today, the conversation topic became the journey towards true love. She was lamenting about the scarcity of matured-thinking men, much less having one to herself, and popped the classic question of "When do you know he is THE ONE?" at me. I nearly choked on my food, not on emotions like my friends would hypothesize (I have grown out of being a cry-baby), coz' I really didn't expect lunch topics to become so serious. I couldn't give her a satisfactory answer, (no Di, not because I have not found the one) but you see it was over lunch and my brain always takes on the total ignorance mode during that hour of the day. Pondering over it since came to one conclusion: I have found THE ONE, not sure when but I just knew Di is THE ONE in a million. He is the father of our 3 lovely kids, my lover, my soulmate, my listening ear, my caretaker and occasionally my punching bag and verbally abused partner. Bottomline is I had never regretted marrying him. I know that doesn't sound like a sound positive advice a teacher will give to a student on her question but that was how and when I knew. Was hunting high and low to insert a photo of MY ONE but to no avail. Now instead of ONE, I am hoping for TWO, no not TWO Dis but TWO readers to this blog, my student and MY ONE.(Can picture my private-lives-conversational-topics-adverse friends puking away whilst reading this......)
Photos Finally
If you are wondering why the blogging haitus, well I have been trying for the longest time possible (12 days to be exact) to post photos on my blog and had only succeeded until recently after a-constantly-avoiding-private-lives-conversation friend of mine taught me the ropes. (Did I just reveal that ShawXX is that friend?)
So here it goes, the first would be my source of motivation in life: my three little ones. Two with their mini cornettos while the youngest look on... with the support of PoPo...without the cornetto of course. How have my life changed since they came, but really did I have one to begin with?