Tiring Fun
Tried an exercise on treasure hunt with a class of mine last tues and well the photos speak for themselves......
Seemingly uninterested at the beginning, with whines like "can we just complete the worksheets and not walk out to search for the clues". What is a hunt without the hunting? Of course there were exceptions like JXXX, who came very prepared for the hunt, albeit getting the day wrong to be the tues before last. And so he came, last last tues, with his sandals, cap, etc....all prepared for the hunt, on a wrong day unfortunately.
Enough about JXXX, the joker, the hunt picked up momentum at about 2p.m. with the hunters working in herds in search for the clue slips. And by 215p.m. the winning tribe triumphantly ran into base station, Ben, Jeremy, Zuo Yang, Jia Hao, although sweating profusely and panting as well. What's with the sports and wellness programme? It seemingly didn't do much to their fitness hah?

Whilst the winning tribe danced away with $20 worth of starbucks vouchers, the runner-up tribe, Si Wei, Si Hua, Wee Seng & Francis could only busy their brain cells with how 2 movie tickets could be shared amongst four people.

That's why the dejected look, maybe?
Although I am some bucks poorer by the hunt, I am bountifully rewarded knowing that they had some fun whilst learning. Some were so keen, not sure if sincere or not, to ask for more hunts, or was it the prizes they are up to?
Anyway, cheers to all you good people......

buahaha. to think our team was also whinning away before the hunt. ended up being more enthu. lol.
haha ur wedding photo is so "wee wee"..
anyway sleep more bah u looks very shag in class.. hehe
takecare =D
chey...tot u got wat ting to add..CHEY!.. =x
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