Pink Bag
Just before class ended yesterday, a student of mine, code-named WQ, said, "Mrs Lim, please don't take offence to what I am going to say but your pink bag really looks ugly!". No offence of course, maybe just participation marks in class......just kidding!
Before you get the wrong ideas, I DID NOT BUY THAT BAG! It was a gift from MY ONE with Claire as his accomplice, or so he claimed. Then again, given the good genes from me, I trust that Claire has better taste. So no prizes for guessing who the ultimate guilty aka unstylo one is.
My dear friends, since my big 3 is round the corner, be forewarn, do not get me anything PINK! No luminous yellow too, that was history!
I actually thought that pink bag is pretty nice. Stands out especially with that black outfit of yours yesterday. Give pink a chance!
Chances can be given, that's why I am carrying it, but let hopes not be, lest MY ONE thinks big of his taste and I get more PINK items in my wardrobe. PINK is meant for cute, sweet little girls, not aunties in the making like me!
Hello..tat's why its difficult to try even to comprehend...Pink..I'm into pink.."how's the PINK Morgan bag"...
Just becoz its not Morgan. Well, I will not be deterred..not with a little setback. My axiom has always been "surprises and reminders", and I'm about to get serious with it again, after taking things for granted...must treasure what I have.
I would threaten students with class participation points too, but mostly they feedback to say I'm stylish, so no chance for that happening.
Note of warning: aunties in pink can be misconstrued as ah lians wannabe.
And finally, your luminous yellow phase, albeit 15 years back, is unfortunately still a clear memory. *shudders* I think most kar keys will agree.
Wow awn, if carrying pencil case and wallet in a market plastic bag is seen as stylo, either your students are blind or you are teaching in gsjikgd vil, a village tribe 45km north of nepal where plastic bags were never seen before your invasion.
To the rest, please do not be mistaken, we ARE NOT colleagues!
Sorry Cai, I'm kinda with your friend awn on this. That pink's very ah-lian (not unless my perception of ah-lian fashion is very last decade and they are onto some new ah-lian colour themes).
Oh, should 'your one' chance upon this reflection, do explain this all too complicated what's-in and what's-not business delicately to him. If he likes you with a hint of pink, tell him to favour a softer pink, rather the loud Fran Drescher pink!
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