Monday, April 11, 2005

Small Hands

Over a weekend lunch to celebrate my father-in-law’s birthday, I overheard my brother-in-law, B, asking my hubby, D, this question over, “How do you hold a girl’s hand,” a question which brought back many fond memories. Not that my hands were held by that many men, just two actually, Nigel and D.

B is quite new to the courting and dating game. He had been going out with this girl, G, for sometime and was keen to take their relationship a little step further, hence his question.

As if he had seen and played much of the field, D almost instantaneously replied, “Like that la, I held her hands during our second date,” a response which bewildered B, as in only the second date? I choose to think that I was naïve then rather than ahem….”cheap”, as discussed in the Rule Book for Dating Games.

D then went on to list the many artificial hand-holding opportunities that B could generate, like crossing the road, pressing the lift, watching a horror movie, all of which was not practiced on me, made me wonder if they were techniques practiced on his other targets prior to me or maybe even after me. But these other targets, if indeed were in existence, must be quite sub-standard to have fallen for such no-brainers.

Finally, D sheepishly elaborated on how he held my hands at Marina Bay on 16 Jan 1994 (D, I bet my last dollar that you had forgotten the date!). He used the excuse to take a look at my right hand, placed it on his left before saying “Why your hands so small, very nice to hold.” He didn’t let go of it ever since.

I hope B is reading this as my warning would go “Don’t use the small hands trick on G. It is only meant for intelligent but young girls!”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to tell you that u lost...I remembered that cool evening, when the lights at the bay were not working so well...but I took you to the brightest spot! (I'm a perfect gentleman, ok?!)

In any case, I am not sub-standard..I am creative alrite!

In any case, I dont work my creativity any -oh-how, just on the one hand (which u rightly pointed out)which I have held ever since :)

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi have read it. thks for the advice. its pretty interesting.

11:48 AM  

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