Power of a Praying Mum
During the last trying stage of my carrying Nat, a boss bought me a book - "The Power of a Praying Parent", and I have not turned back since. In it, I found out how to pray for my brood of God's gifts, from health to friends to school, etc. And indeed the prayers came in handy when Claire started off on a trying note when school started, of course not forgetting Chloe's entry into formal school as well. Suffice to say that I lost 3kg since the start of Jan 2011, ferrying, worrying, fretting and the many sleepless nights, some crying as well after witnessing their struggles. School life was never that complicated during my time! But through it all, I have never stopped praying for them, that God will surround them with good teachers and friends and more so that God will guide me to be the best steward I can be to them.
Indeed my prayers have been answered: Claire is slowly but surely getting the hang of Primary 5 and her T-rex form teacher, Nigel's getting more independent but still ever so crazy about soccer and guess what the one that I have always been so worried about, my Chloe girl has been appointed as the class monitress, much to our disbelief! Was freaking out worrying about how she's gonna cope and of course the email to her form teacher about her condition (and thereafter her being taken off some class duties, much to her disaapointment).
Chloe was in a all time high last night after her new appointment in school yesterday but more so yours truly, I was even higher... ...
It only leaves me to sing, "And I Thank You LORD... ..."
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