On the Kids
It's been a while ... ... must be the festive moods and difficulty in starting gears during new year ... ...
Latest updates goes like Noah just took his first 5 steps, really quite advanced in as far as the four went, he's only 10.5 months. He's really cute, chubby and endearing but always on the breast at night so mummy has been sleeping sideways for nights in a row, save for my little afternoon naps without him and those are the only luxuries (ability to sprawl on my bed unobstructed) I have in my life right now. He will cry for "mama" at night when he discovers I'm away even if it was just a short toilet break and is fighting with Chloe over toys right now, although Chloe always lets him have his way. Able to way bye bye and is excited at the slightest indication of a walk outside, pout if he is not able to follow his siblings along. Loves to eat and is into cheese and love letters. Amazingly, he's also able to point to his object/person of desire, a trait capable of 15 month toddlers and oh yes, he loves to dance with his butt, with or without music, at the slighest cajoling by his audience. What an interactive one!
Chloe just went for her re-assessment at KK yesterday. She was super cooperative, perhaps Nigel's presence did help, able to read out animals when the psychologist pointed them out, drew circles and lines, coloured her creations. Finally, we were able to place her on subsidised speech and language therapy. The private sessions at Mount Alvernia are burning a big hole in our already tight pockets with me going on half time. She was also able to sense my anger yesterday when they didn't behave themselves during the queue for waffles and was trying to make peace with me in her little ways. Definitely speaking alot more than before and of course complaining alot more about her brothers. We just planted her seed (given by Auntie Sharon) together last week and is eagerly waiting for it to grow. She has made improvements but is still developmentally behind as compared to her peers. Advised by the psychologist to talk more to her about her days in school and yes she has been going for gym classes to work on her coordination skills. We termed it the "hop hop jump jump" class for her and she's enjoying it. She has been and always will be my special one.
As for Nigel, well he has been displaying behavioural problems, perhaps due to the lack of attention at home. His teachers have been complaining that he has been disturbing his classmates in class and taking away their things without asking. Seems like the hard way does not work with this kid but the softer TLC way did. Promised and got him his power ranger shirt and new superman undie did help. At home, he's back to his trains and his little antics of hugs and kisses at the most unexpected of all times makes me love him more. Our daily walks to school and back do bond us closer together with his little talks of "When I grow up, I am going to... ..." and our daily visits to the fish ponds. Recently, he has been showering his big brotherly love to Chloe quite frequently in holding her hands when they walk and saving the press of the lift button for her. He does not seem like the athletic sort during his golf classes, not the academic sort too given that he's still not able to decipher alphabets and numbers as yet. Looks like we've got to start work on that, his phonics to begin with.
Claire has been doing very well at her new school. Just shared with her yesterday that I am very proud of her achievements thus far, ability to cope with her school load and extra classes on swimming and golf. Must really hand it to her, she was made the class monitor again even though she's new in the school. She has been really consientious in her work, doing them up straight after dinner upon return from school. During the mornings before school, she'll dabble into extra assessment work.
So although work has not been that smooth, I have lots to thank and be happy of in my life right now.
Your babies are very lovable. Claire sounds exactly like you.
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