Sunday, December 02, 2007

It's been a LONG While

It's been a long while since I last wrote, no topic, not so, no time definitely. Been hell of a rush at the homefront shifting and playing doctor since the shift. The whole family fell sick including yours truly with mycoplasma and Noah with bronchitis. Still nursing phelm with bloody streaks and hoping against all hopes that Noah's situation improves by Tues, else into the hospital he goes. Somehow the year end has always been a rough time for me, last year in Ithaca too when I was so sick and lonely that MY ONE had to fetch me home. Ray, my god-daughter is also critically ill fighting for her life in the ICU, how down can one get I ask?

Work front has not been smooth sailing too, deadlines, proposals, team-mates, bosses, top it all HALF PAY does not translate to HALF TIME. Many days I find myself trapped in a vicious cycle of no money and no time for Chloe, the primary reason for my decision to go half time. Been neglecting her due to work but with my half pay, neither can I afford her the best therapists. Then begs the question of should I have gone further to explore the dangling carrot of being bought out to the private sector?

All these because of my sliding faith? Thankfully, there is MY ONE, the strong and sturdy that carries all the burdens on his shoulders while reassuring me that all will be fine and giving me his blessings to explore the chance at a second career. There's also Chloe who has improved so much since she joined Cat Cove that she is able to perform a musical with her classmates just last Fri and enjoying every moment of it. I fought back tears when I watched video clips of her performance, never in my wildest dream would I have imagined her being able to do so, especially seeing her in the state that she was when I was back about the same time now last year.


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